CHEC Yourself is a collaborative project put together by the Community Health Education Center (hence the name CHEC yourself) at Salem Health Hospital in Salem, Oregon. While the content certainly covers a myriad of topics in the health and wellness arena...its broader mission is to help listeners live their best lives. It covers topics that include nutrition, fitness, and emotional resiliency. The intention is not merely to educate, but also to provide tools for listeners who want to create their own vision of a healthy and successful life (and to do it in a way that doesn't require a degree in health science to be able to absorb).

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Healthy Eating (and Living) for a Healthy Heart With Dr. Yadava
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
In our conversation with Cardiologist Dr. Yadava, we talk about:
- healthy habits that lead to a healthy heart
- how to remove perfectionism from our eating habits
- how nutrition continues to evolve (and how to approach eating with pragmatism and self-compassion)

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Donna Thomas - On Heart Failure
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
In today's episode, we meet Donna Thomas. Donna works in the field of cardiology. In our conversation, we focus on heart failure, and talk about:
- What heart failure is
- How to help prevent developing heart failure
- What we can do once we have been diagnosed with heart failure

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Heart Health - Overview and Introduction
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
In this episode, join Leah Burkhart as she unpacks some of the health behaviors known to reduce our risk of heart disease. She will also be introducing some of the upcoming topics that will be covered by a number of guest speakers in the upcoming weeks in honor of February's Heart Month. Examples of things explored include:
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Stress
- Sleep
- Quitting smoking
- Getting regular checkups
- Upcoming topics that will be shared with guests in the upcoming weeks

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Stages of Change
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
In today's episode, we cover:
- The stages of change (which includes...)
- Pre-contemplation (I don't wanna)
- Contemplation (I'll think about it)
- Preparation (Let me get organized)
- Action (Look at me go!)
- Maintenance (I'm holding strong)
- Relapse (Oops)
- The value in practicing self-compassion as we try and make changes
- The importance of practicing patience and compassion for others that we may care about as they make those changes on their own time.

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
In today's episode, Leah Burkhart and Erin Clubb talk about the subject of rewards. They touch on:
- What makes for a healthy reward?
- How different people interpret what is actually rewarding.
- Intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards and motivations
- How to prioritize pleasure and rewards for ourselves even while parenting
- How parents can help their kids craft healthy rewards for themselves
- The importance of rewarding healthy behaviors rather than outcomes.

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
The Challenge of Change
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
It's that time of year...the time when many of us will be reflecting on the past year (yeah...that's right...a YEAR has gone by, already). We will also be thinking about what we want to bring in for the new year. Resolutions. Goals. Hopes. Dreams.
In this episode, we will talk about the challenge of change. We'll cover habits (creating new ones and cutting out the not-so-great ones). We will talk about just why change is hard, and how to create an ecosystem that will increase your success.
James Clear: Atomic Habits
Charles Duhigg: The Power of Habit
Kelly. McGonical: The Willpower Instinct

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Pandemic Flux Syndrome
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Have you been feeling like you want to hide under a blanket and completely revamp your life...at the same time? Do you feel both hopeful as well as fearful? Do you feel like you basically have emotional whiplash? You might be navigating what researcher Dr. Amy Cuddy calls Pandmic Flux Syndrome and heading toward burnout. Today's podcast covers why we are feeling this way, and what we can do to reduce our suffering and improve our capacity to navigate tough times.
Amy Cuddy and Jillellyn Riley: Why This Stage of the Pandemic Makes Us So Anxious.
Brene Brown and Amy Cuddy: Pandemic Flux Syndrome
Todd Kashdan: The Upside of Your Dark Side
Marc Brackett: Permission to Feel
Lisa Feldman Barrett: How Emotions Are Made
Amelia and Emily Nagoski: Burnout

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Staying On Our Feet (Falls Prevention)
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Join Leah Burkhart and Kelley Clark.
Kelley is a physical therapist, and an exceptionally knowledgeable one here, at Salem Health Hospital. And our conversation centers around the importance of reducing the risk of and recovering from falls. As in…falling down. At first glance, that may seem like a topic we could easily keep at the periphery of “wellness” talks…but in truth, it’s an incredibly important part of our health and wellbeing. Injuries that we incur when we fall can have a huge impact on the quality of our lives. We may sustain an injury that makes it difficult to walk (thus making exercise more challenging. Depending on the nature of the fall, we may even sustain a brain injury. While older adults and young children are at highest risk for sustaining traumatic bring injury due to falls, everyone is at risk. The good news is that many falls can be prevented. In our talk, today, Kelley and I cover the kinds of things that can lead to a fall (and how to treat and/o prevent those conditions). We also talk about resources available in our health care system that many have no idea even exist. Finally, we end the discussion with an invitation to come to this year’s fall prevention event - held on Saturday, September 25th from 8am - 11am. Should you be listening to this after September 25th, 2021… please keep an eye out for future events, as this will certainly not be the last we host in our community. You can keep abreast of all events and classes by visiting us at salemhealth.org/chec.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
In today’s episode, we meet with Kate Swarm, a long-time practitioner and teacher of yoga as well as with Dr. Thye Schuyler, the director of the Sleep Clinic at Salem Health.
Together, we talk about the subject of mindfulness.
It’s a buzzword that’s floating around in a number of circles. You’ll hear about its importance in TedTalks, medical offices, yoga studios, and even in pop culture. Suffering from burnout? Engage in a mindfulness practice. Can’t sleep? Mindfulness is the answer. Are you unhappy? Mindfulness will help you. You name the ailment, mindfulness will be given as a potential remedy.
But what exactly is mindfulness? Does anyone really know? And what counts as a mindfulness practice? If one is sitting, quietly, in prayer…is that mindfulness? If I am watching TV, I’m not, technically, thinking about my problems…but is that mindfulness? Do I have to be sitting still to be mindful? Or can I be moving while I practice? And let’s get rid of all the gobbly-gook and hooey claims. What does the science say about the benefits of mindfulness? And how might a beginner get started?
These are some of the questions we tackle in our conversation. As always, if you find this to be a helpful resource, but are looking for more…you can always visit us at www.salemhealth.org/chec.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Snoring, Narcolepsy and the Power of 1 Percent Improvement
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
In Today's episode, sleep specialist Dr. Thye Schyler speaks to everything from the seemingly mundane or comical aspects of sleep (sooo…snoring)…as well as aspects of sleep disturbances that many people are not aware of like narcolepsy, for example. He also touches on the power of being willing to take things one step at a time. By the time people are coming to the doctor for sleep, they so often feel desperate and just want it fixed, yesterday. But as with most things, it’s a process. If there is one person well equipped to support people through that process…It’s Dr. Schuyler.